Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Children of Heaven

HT Live Correspondent

When was the last time you lost your sister’s shoes? Or probably the last time when you gifted her a pen to keep her from telling parents? The last time you participated aiming not the first, not the second, but the “third” rank – just to win a pair of shoes for her? The last time…last time…last…

The special screening of an Iranian movie “Children of Heaven”, part of an Iranian film festival organised at the Rangayan JKK, would have forced even the last man out of the auditorium to think about it.

The movie, Director Majid Majidi’s finest works, was well received by the audience of about 150-200.

The heart-warming film is the story of brother Ali who loses his sister Zahra's school shoes. The young pair cuts out a plan to keep away trouble. They share Ali’s sneakers and keep it secret. Good at academics and sports, Ali even gets scolded by his principal for delay – apparently due to the shoe-exchanging practice. Also then comes to now about a race where the second runner-up gets a pair of sneakers. Even though he is first in the race, he cries – for he wanted to come third. This brother-sister love story was also nominated as one of the entries in the Best Foreign Film category in the 2000 edition of the Academy Awards (Oscars). Besides other awards, it won the prize for the best picture at the Montreal Film Festival in 1997.

The festival continues till May 7 at JKK.



Blogger Debarshi said...

Those good old days... How have you been? Have you moved to Lucknow?

1:34 PM  

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